Browsing All Posts published on »June, 2012«

The Demanding Wife, Withdrawing Husband Trap

June 25, 2012 by


Recently, I came across an article written by Dr. Val Farmer, a clinical psychologist who works with farm families and writes a regular column for the Farm and Ranch Guide. No, I do not normally read the Farm and Ranch Guide magazine or journal, but an internet search led me to his article and the […]

Making Your Family a Priority

June 21, 2012 by


I think if I asked you, “Do you spend enough time with your family?” Most of us would be hesitant to say yes. We can always think of times where we wished we spent more quality time with them. We also have to constantly try to balance school, church, and sports activities with family activities. […]

I Hope my Kids Love Me the Same Way my Fish Do

June 19, 2012 by


On Sunday our pastor used an illustration for Father’s Day that he hoped that his kids would love him in the same way that his dog does. Being that I have never been a big dog person and our kids are allergic to dog hair, I decided to try to make an analogy that would fit […]

How Do You Handle Criticism?

June 15, 2012 by


It seems like everything that we do these days has two elements to it. The first element is actually participating in the activity. The second element is the questionnaire we are suppose to fill out where we rate all of the aspects of how the activity provider managed to lead us in conducting the activity. […]

A Husband’s Servant-Leadership: A Closer Look

June 12, 2012 by


I have spent a lot of time recently trying to define how a husband should lead his wife and family. It is very easy for us to say that a husband should be the leader of his family, but it is really difficult to describe what that leadership should really look like. From a Christian […]

How Can Husbands Lead their Wives into Greater Godliness?

June 9, 2012 by


By: Peacefulwife Ideally, we would all have godly parents who modeled godly femininity, godly masculinity, a godly marriage and who taught us to submit to God-given authority and to respect others.  Unfortunately, this is just not the case many times today. A RECIPE FOR DISASTER Just like Christian men are often completely unprepared to be godly […]

10 Timely Traits of a Husband Displaying Servant Leadership

June 6, 2012 by


One of the struggles I have encountered with writing for this blog is defining how a husband should lead his family. There are not a lot of good, basic materials out there to get some ideas from. A lot of becoming a good leader is probably by learning from experience. There are a lot of […]

Choosing to be Thankful

June 5, 2012 by


One of the things that we are slowly losing in society today is thankfulness. I am not talking about being thankful about winning a contest or an award. I am talking about having gratefulness for the little things people do for us. We never should allow ourselves to believe that we are so good that […]