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Why “The Respected Husband?”

September 3, 2014 by


I hope most people understand why this blog is called “The Respected Husband,” but I thought it might be good to explain it in a post. It is entirely possible that you could initially see the name of the blog and think that the blog could mean several things. It could be taken that I […]

Ditto Prayers

May 14, 2014 by


Do your prayers ever sound like a broken record? Do you feel like you are constantly having the same struggles with your job, your family, or your spiritual walk? Does it seem like you could just record your prayers in a voice recorder and play them back in an endless autoloop? Recently, I heard from […]

Are you a Facebook Christian?

April 4, 2014 by


When I think about a lot of Christians that I know their relationship with Christ is similar to their relationship with a friend on Facebook. Many Christians accepted Christ sometime as a kid at a church, Christian concert, or a vacation bible school. The basic pattern was to admit that you were a sinner (check!), […]

What’s Your Story: Restoration from False Teaching

April 3, 2013 by


Back a couple of weeks ago, I put up a post called, What’s Your Story. In it I had the following request from you: I think there are many people who read this blog that have a story to tell. I want to hear it. It can be how God has worked in your marriage? […]

The Real Man Rules

August 10, 2012 by


When it comes to how we in today’s society envision what a real man is we sometimes confuse the term with being an action movie hero. You know the type that can take out a whole army of bad guys single-handedly, make every correct decision driving a car in a downtown car chase, and always […]

What’s Your Price For Jesus

April 6, 2012 by


Each year at our church we have a Maundy Thursday service during the week of Easter. During the Maundy Thursday service they have a living portrayal of the Lord’s Supper. One of the characters that is depicted is Judas Iscariot. We like to think of how bad Judas must have been to give up Jesus […]

Her Knight in Shining Armor

March 28, 2012 by


Over the last several weeks, we have looked at some of the ways that we can decipher the Wife Code. We have looked at how we can provide our wives the reassurance they need, help them with their emotions, provide them with security, listen and communicate more effectively, and exalt their beauty. As I have […]

Defining A Man’s Value

March 26, 2012 by


In the last 25 years or so, there has been a big shift in the minds of our society that has had a huge impact on the way we live. The change has been slow, but steady, like so many evils that have crept in to be the norm over the years. It has invaded […]